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sick cat  

2006-11-07 20:43:25|  分类: 默认分类 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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I wake up thirsty this morning, so I kept drinking water when I had the self-test. The listening materials were long and confusing, and I could not catch all the meaning. But I did get one, the one about a worldwide disease called dehydration. Its symptom astonished me----always having cold hands and feet and meeting respiration difficulty. I nearly confirmed that the main reason for my cold hands and feet was not lacking energy and exercise, but lacking water, because I never drink unless I am thirsty, althogh I am a person perspiring heavily. So It is not only for faster metabolism but also for curing my illness to drink plenty of water.
I do not want to have a cold feet always, so keep in mind water supplyment.
PS: I learned much knowlege through reading and listening large mount of Enlish materails these days. I hope that my Enlish level also increases.  
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